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Bakin' Gods



Indulge in a unique twist on tradition with our Peruvian-Inspired Cake Jar. This decadent treat features three layers of moist chocolate cake soaked in a rich Pisco syrup, infusing the cake with the bold flavors of this iconic Peruvian liquor. Each layer is filled with three luscious layers of homemade dulce de leche, offering the perfect balance of sweetness and richness.

To elevate this indulgence even further, we’ve topped it off with chopped pecans and a decadent layer of 64% bittersweet chocolate, adding a satisfying crunch and depth of flavor. This 16 oz (400 g) jar is a true celebration of Peruvian flavors, perfect for anyone looking to experience something extraordinary.

Packaged in a sleek, reusable plastic jar (please note: hand wash only), this dessert is perfect for enjoying now or saving for later.

Please note: We ship on Tuesdays only. Orders open on Sundays and close on Saturdays, so be sure to place your order within the weekly window to enjoy this one-of-a-kind treat at its freshest!

Contains alcohol.

Regular price $23.00
Regular price Sale price $23.00
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