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Bakin' Gods



Enjoy a non-alcoholic twist on tradition with our Virgin Encanelado Cake Jar. This delightful treat features three layers of moist vanilla cake, perfectly complemented by three layers of smooth, homemade dulce de leche. Each spoonful offers a sweet and comforting flavor experience, without the addition of alcohol.

To add a touch of warmth, we’ve sprinkled a light dusting of cinnamon powder on top, completing this delicious, alcohol-free indulgence. This 16 oz (400 g) jar is a perfect way to savor the essence of Peruvian flavors in a wholesome and satisfying treat.

Packaged in a sleek, reusable plastic jar (please note: hand wash only), this dessert is perfect for enjoying now or saving for later.

Please note: We ship on Tuesdays only. Orders open on Sundays and close on Saturdays, so be sure to place your order within the weekly window to enjoy this delicious treat!

Regular price $22.00
Regular price Sale price $22.00
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